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Why SoaNoia exists

SoaNoia was created in 2021 to respond to one key question:

How do we consciously and responsibly

transform our decisional and behavioural praxes ...

to lead responsible and caring systems of governance ...

in the service of an equitable & harmonious world ...

and the common good? 

SoaNoia is based on the notion that metanoia (μετάνοια), 

which is a conversation of the mind, spirit or heart,

occurs through eunoia (εὔνοιᾰ), which means beautiful thoughts or thinking;

and which, in turn, occurs through metanoia and so on, in a relational cycle. 

Our philosophy espouses the idea that it is in our minds

that we dream & hope, imagine the possible in our lives,

and create & make sense of our lived experiences. 

SoaNoia exists to support metanoia, 

the transformation of human consciousness,

through eunoia, the practice of thinking consciously and beautifully,

so that we can embody the best version of our selves

in the creative and experiential art of living. 

SoaNoia accompanies, guides and facilitates metanoia

through creative & collaborative experiences,

and eunoia through meaningful & inspiring conversations. 

If you feel like starting a conversation with us

about our work, our services or how we could collaborate with each other, on an individual, collective and/or organisational transformative journey,

send us a message.

Let's start a conversation. 

SoaNoia's mission is to collaborate with and offer assistance, support, coaching and guidance

to people, communities and organisations

whose goal is to embed Humanity

as part of an ethical solution in the co-creation 

and care of a sustainable living world. 

Our focus is on facilitating 

the creative and collaborative emergence of awareness, transformation, development and practice

of consciousness for individual beings, collectives/communities and organisations.

About SoaNoia: About Me


Where Passion & Magic Collide


Alexandra Pimor




Maddy Gomis

Communication Tsar 

star advisor


Gabrielle Pimor-Coady

Graphics Designer

en herbes

About SoaNoia: Team Members

Alexandra Pimor


My name is Alexandra and I embody many facets of my being including

woman, daughter, sister, mother,

lover, beloved, friend, dreamer,

academic, scholar, teacher, lawyer,

writer, activist, idealist, coach, entrepreneur...

Mostly though, I am a conscious being experiencing a human life on this Earth.

I believe that we each have the oppportunity, free will and choice

to define what is the meaning, sense and purpose of our life,

what brings us bliss and a feeling of belonging.

I also believe we all have a responsibility to care for our selves,

each other (human & all Earth communities) and our Planet. 

It is apparent that the extractive and mechanistic mother culture

that dominated humanity's history for centuries

is now showing its unsustainable, uncaring and unacceptable true colours. 

In these days of turmoil

- ecological, climate, economic, social, political and global health -

human (mis)behaviour is being called and held to account.

That accountability starts with becoming consciously aware that our decisions,

however major or minor, have ramifications in and on the wider world.

In the face of fatalist and determinist statements such as

'This is the system, there is nothing we can do',

I ask myself:

'Who is the system?

Who created the system?'

We are. We did.

Our economic, political and social systems are our human creations.

Therefore, they are our human responsibility.

It is within our power to change and transform these systems

so they may serve the common good. 

We have entered a global anthropocene age of responsibility.

Not only is humanity responsible for a great deal of ills

against human, other-than-human and wider ecological communities,

it also has the responsibility 

- and the means -

to repair, restore, regenerate and respect our living world. 

An evolution of the mind - at the individual, collective and organisational levels -

is necessary. 

It is through an evolution of the mind (spirit)

anchored in an eco-logical and holistic mother culture

that we enable and empower ourselves to review and transform

our thought patterns, value systems, decisional and behavioural praxes.

I want to change the world - that part that is within Humanity's reach -

for the better.

I work and live for a better world in which Humanity can truly be

caring, loving, sustainable & eco-responsible. 

I want us to change for the better - to become to best version of ourselves;

and to live in the best version of the world we can dream up. 

This transformation is from within us - our inner individual and collective us.

This is why I created SoaNoia...

to add my drop to the ever widening ocean of co-creation. 

If you want to find out more about my professional experience & credentials,

feel free to browse my LinkedIn profile. 

About SoaNoia: About Me

Agile coaching certifications

About SoaNoia: Testimonials
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